
What is Nest Project//

Nest Project curates annual event to connect niche people to their niche spaces. We share regularly inspiring stories about #improvisational #guerrilla #temporary #informal #bottom-up #DIY projects on our facebook and twitter.

In Amsterdam, there are many people who need temporary spaces to showcase or to promote their work.

There are also many niche spaces that are available for temporary use.

Nest Project wants to bring these people closer to their niche spaces.

Why is Nest Project initiated//

Changfang Luo is the person behind Nest Project, who grew up in Taipei where spaces are highly mixed and efficiently used by start-up entrepreneurs. These are usually small ventures that seek for niche spaces, for example, taking a bookshelf space of an existing café or nesting in every possible urban space with a mobile stall. In Amsterdam, on the other hand, she observes a contradicting situation where many spaces are vacant but not available (& not affordable) for starter entrepreneurs.

Nest Project is initiated to facilitate spaces for small art & craft retailers, especially the individual artists, craftsmen & designers. This type of home-made products are usually online, but they do need networking spaces or affordable retail spaces to showcase and to promote their work.

How can you participate//

Our current focus is temporary/ alternative retail spaces, and we will share inspiring stories about people, business and spaces related to this subject. We welcome you to share local stories about temporary/ alternative retail spaces with us! You can email me, or share it on our facebook or twitter. We’ll be happy to hear your stories, comments and suggestions!

2 thoughts on “about

  1. This is a wonderful concept. How can we start a project like this in the U.S? I have a website in open beta that can serve as a platform for this type of project.

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